Tuesday 27 May 2014

Less than 48 hours & gonna fly to my hometown, Sarawak. Yes, kinda miss that place. Miss the people, miss the food, the culture, my mothertoung, the peaceful, no jam ugh cant wait actually.

More than that, my semester break will end this 8th June & i'll skip my first week which is class start on 9th June lol every semester i did it. So no worries. Since i got sem break, then one of my frienda called me and invited mw to join partime @ photo booth on gaduation day, so i go. But, hahahahhahahaha pls dont laugh at me. I only can stand threw days ! Yes, 3 days, bca the weather damn sunny like i got sunburn kot. Pity me, pity my skin ;(

Oh well i got my short wishlist yay which is :

1) Be a membership one of the pet shop, so after this i got disc ! Well, my wishlist is buy new cage for sushi & buy bath sand, vitamin for aimba and sushi and yes, i make it.

2) Getting fed up with blackberry so i swap my blackberry with android phone. Well, not expensive android but still android bcs i dont want burden anyone buy new one, as long as its android, then i should be okay ;)

3) buy a monopoddddd ! Well, i bet all of you know that monopod is trending right ? So for sure i want it too. Since i got android, so i bought pink monopod.

4) New Balance's sneakersssss ! Yes, bought the red one and damn, look sexy man. Hahahahhaha

5) Hair Straightener Travel Kit. Since im gonna back to Sarawak, soon, so i bought it. The size not to small and not to big, lagi kecik dari remote astro actually so its easier dor me to bring it anywhere.

6) New powerbankkkkk . Yes, new one, bcs my first one broke T.T . Idk how but itc not function anymore, maybe will ask someone to repair it.

So that my short wishlist in a month and make it real in a month too ! Proud with myself.

Well, getting late. Good night people.

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