Saturday 2 August 2014


So long time tak update blog,since early puasa till now dah eid *cried*  so harini I nak share favorite gegirl ni. Hm ape tu ? its spaaaaa  ~  OMG something that I loveeeeeee . how about you ?

Well, if im feeling good or acah acah cekci *ignore it* , I’ll surfing GROUPUN and take a deal and yeah its affordable and something that cant be rejected. Oh guys, if you want to show some appreciation to your wife or gf, why don’t you give her this voucher ? sure she’ll love it !

Oh, last June 29, I go to one of spa which is Marvel . My appointment on 12pm, once I reached there, they proceed me asap. I mean no need to waiting or consult about their product bla bla bla.  So I bought this  packages which is 2hour massage full body inc scrub.

So the one who assist me that day is, a young girl from Indonesia and she just 22 I think. Well, don’t judge a book by its cover, even though she’s still young but the way she massage, peh thorbaik ! ahaksss ops too excited then *pardon me

So for two hour, she did this :
1)put scrub and clean up my body
2)put some oily to make you refresh
3) massage your front part : head to toes
4) massage at the back : head to toes
5) put some oily again
6) did some stretching
7) its done and yeah they serve Chinese’s tea.

So my recommendation to this place is  4/5 :)

here is small closet to keep your personal thing

a bed for massage sesion

this is their trolley to put the stuff that needed during massage session

aircond share with the next room

so this the package i bought for 

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