Saturday 2 August 2014


So long time tak update blog,since early puasa till now dah eid *cried*  so harini I nak share favorite gegirl ni. Hm ape tu ? its spaaaaa  ~  OMG something that I loveeeeeee . how about you ?

Well, if im feeling good or acah acah cekci *ignore it* , I’ll surfing GROUPUN and take a deal and yeah its affordable and something that cant be rejected. Oh guys, if you want to show some appreciation to your wife or gf, why don’t you give her this voucher ? sure she’ll love it !

Oh, last June 29, I go to one of spa which is Marvel . My appointment on 12pm, once I reached there, they proceed me asap. I mean no need to waiting or consult about their product bla bla bla.  So I bought this  packages which is 2hour massage full body inc scrub.

So the one who assist me that day is, a young girl from Indonesia and she just 22 I think. Well, don’t judge a book by its cover, even though she’s still young but the way she massage, peh thorbaik ! ahaksss ops too excited then *pardon me

So for two hour, she did this :
1)put scrub and clean up my body
2)put some oily to make you refresh
3) massage your front part : head to toes
4) massage at the back : head to toes
5) put some oily again
6) did some stretching
7) its done and yeah they serve Chinese’s tea.

So my recommendation to this place is  4/5 :)

here is small closet to keep your personal thing

a bed for massage sesion

this is their trolley to put the stuff that needed during massage session

aircond share with the next room

so this the package i bought for 


Homeless, did you know what its mean ?   I think everyone already know about.S despite accepting that and im did it not because im rejecting it.  Its about humanity, so I’ve joined as volunteer for feed the homeless around KL.
This event was organized by SELANGOR SELATANvia Twitter.  This is first time SETAN organized charity event which is included homeless.  So for the first week, I was informed that they survey some place that  called “kawasan panas”. “kawasan panas” which means a places that have a lots of homeless, so for the first trial, they choose Jalan Pudu.
So, all of us decided to met up in front of Bangunan Maybank and we started distributed the foods, and their needs such as clothes aroun 1230 o’clock. Its such a heart breaking by seeing the infants sleep at street, they cold, no house, no pillow, just a few of clothes that covered the baby.
Actually, they have job and owned some money but because of living cost in city too high, they not afford to rent any house.  Just imagine, per month they only receive around RM500-RM600.  Where you can get rental house for this price ? its impossible. Plus, they only sleep at night when the shop lot close their business, before 5am, they will wake up earlier and make a move and go for a work,and they only show their self after 11pm.

Please don’t insult them because we don’t know what they facing with. 

So here some photo that has be taken on that day :

the volunteer passed the food to the homeless

                                        during contributed some clothes for them

the volunteer gave some shirt to them

the volunteer asked them to choose suitable clothes

this is photo of volunteer which is involved in this event that organized by SETAN.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

i knew it, before you. but despite telling me, you keep it alone. so i act like nothing happened. is this a game or war ? is yes, let me know. so that i can prepare myself from grenade.  its hurt but i act dont, why ? because im strong. so head up and go on girl .

Saturday 21 June 2014

7 Tips Kurus Ketika Bulan Puasa

so hello, dah lama jugak tinggalkan blog ni, dah berhabuk rasanya. so yeah, i nak active balik since i nak motivated myself lol.

so yeah, now im in my final year which is one step more to my successful stage.  i just cant wait to finish my study then find a job and have my own money yayyyy *dancing* hm nampak tak excited iols ? :p

so now, a fews days left untuk ke ramadan which is bulan puasa. fasting season mean no eating, so here, i want to share some tips and yes, i applykan kat diri i too :p

tips kurus ketika bulan puasa :

1) by eating papaya or banana on pre dawn meals because its contain vitamin e. and you automatically "buang air besar" in the morning after having these. so your tummy will be empty about 10 to 13 hours. so that boleh kurus cepat (Y)

2) another snack yang sesuai for people who want stay fit or slim during fasting's month is by taking oat's, dates (kurma) or chocolates.  its not just simple snack but its make you full enough to start your day without feel hungry.

3) oh yeah, i know all of you must be eat  a LOTS right masa sahur ? no babe, please dont please say no. you should eat in moderate side which is, jangan makan sampai terlalu kenyang. typical malaysian kan , when your stomach full, then our ass totally lazyyyyy ~

4) oh yeah, masa pagi tu jugak please drink up plain water instead of something yang ada sugar because you kena hidrate balik your enegery. i mean, make sure drink a lots of water okay :)

5) please avoid by eating something yang berlemak. pedas semuanya. say no no no. you guys nak cantik tak masa makan rendang on Hari Raya ? mesti nak kan ? so yeah, no pain no gain ladies .

6) if you nak stay fit and health , make sure buat exercise okay because exercise ada banyak advantages. so rajinkan lah diri tu pergi exercise or workout okay, at least 30 minutes / day.

7) last but not least, positivekan diri which is you have set your aim and goal, so now depend on yourself to make it work or not. you have to make sure that you really want that and sacrifice for that.

so my last word is, eat clean and stay fit ladies.  happy fasting !

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Less than 48 hours & gonna fly to my hometown, Sarawak. Yes, kinda miss that place. Miss the people, miss the food, the culture, my mothertoung, the peaceful, no jam ugh cant wait actually.

More than that, my semester break will end this 8th June & i'll skip my first week which is class start on 9th June lol every semester i did it. So no worries. Since i got sem break, then one of my frienda called me and invited mw to join partime @ photo booth on gaduation day, so i go. But, hahahahhahahaha pls dont laugh at me. I only can stand threw days ! Yes, 3 days, bca the weather damn sunny like i got sunburn kot. Pity me, pity my skin ;(

Oh well i got my short wishlist yay which is :

1) Be a membership one of the pet shop, so after this i got disc ! Well, my wishlist is buy new cage for sushi & buy bath sand, vitamin for aimba and sushi and yes, i make it.

2) Getting fed up with blackberry so i swap my blackberry with android phone. Well, not expensive android but still android bcs i dont want burden anyone buy new one, as long as its android, then i should be okay ;)

3) buy a monopoddddd ! Well, i bet all of you know that monopod is trending right ? So for sure i want it too. Since i got android, so i bought pink monopod.

4) New Balance's sneakersssss ! Yes, bought the red one and damn, look sexy man. Hahahahhaha

5) Hair Straightener Travel Kit. Since im gonna back to Sarawak, soon, so i bought it. The size not to small and not to big, lagi kecik dari remote astro actually so its easier dor me to bring it anywhere.

6) New powerbankkkkk . Yes, new one, bcs my first one broke T.T . Idk how but itc not function anymore, maybe will ask someone to repair it.

So that my short wishlist in a month and make it real in a month too ! Proud with myself.

Well, getting late. Good night people.

Sunday 4 May 2014


Pernah tak ada nightmare sampai susah nak bangun and everytime nak tidur malam je, you force yourself not to sleep . And yeah that happened to me, idk why but im scare.

Tahu tak bila dah jadi macam tu, kita akan stress ? I mean cmon, lack of sleep kot for sure otak lemah bcs tak dapat rehat yang cukup and in fact you may having dispress / stress.

Saturday 18 January 2014

If ditakdirkan, i swear let me go first before my parents bcs idk how to survive without them.