Thursday 3 January 2013

page 4 of 365

   yess, its 4th January and me still counting the days, which is my soul-mate will come back here . weeee ~ cant wait to meet you actually, my dearest <3

  so, done class for today . weee ~ and you know what, today  Miss Anne asked us, to write about what we don't like in her class .  LOL

  she gave a piece of paper (the half one) then write down what we not happy or not satisfied in her class . and me, do my job . haha .

  actually, i just write that she too strict with us, and i want some more fun in class . actually, she always asking us then when we don't get it or don't know the answer, she'll asked all of us . haha 

   before i ended my "comment" (konon lah kan) , i said that Happy New Year & Selamat Hari Raya . hikhik

  so that is my comment . hikhik

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