Saturday 9 March 2013


heloooo ~ wah, penatnyyaaa ! yes, too tired . dah lah one whole day and night tak tidur , its was awesome -,- yeah, have to submit my last assignment then. okay, stop talk about that, past is past . hihi

oh yeah, and today is Saturday, so my friends and i joined event that organized by part 4 which is we have go to zooooo ~ wow, that was new experience btw. hihi

okay,for the entrance for adult, its only RM30 and for kids RM6, if i not mistaken . then we bought tram ticket, so that makes we much easier to control the kids . and yeah, i already chose mine and he's so cute . his name is Farid Danish . ah comel sesangat tau . ala, kakak dah rindu dah >_<

and thanks to Nazim Othman for helped me to take care my kids when im not around . actually tadi acitivity semua best best tau . firstly, the launch. then start with musical chair and my kid kalah . hihi.  next, continue with Sea Horse show . oh yeah, tak tangkap gambar sebab kena jaga anak sebab waktu tu, aktive sangat sorang ni tau tak . hihi . then we back to our gazebo for lunch.  after lunch, the kids have explorace with the lecture and that time, so heaven bagi volunteerrrr ~ hihi . around 4pm, dah habis then hujannnn ~

ni masa nak balik

me with the kidossss ~

in tram . on the way to our gazebo with Daniel and Farid Danish 

gilafahhhh ~hiihi

chicken dance

musical chair

Sea Horse's show

ep ep elephantttt ~

yeah, this is Aimi Hassan 
masa balik tu, rasa ak nangis je lepaskan Farid Danish kat parents dia . yelaaa, dah lah baik, comel pulak tu . aummmm ~ hihi .. okay, picture timeeee ~

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