Sunday 28 April 2013

Long Distance Relationship

hello, guys

yeah, its about long distance relationship. this happened to me and my future husband (orang cakap kalau kita panggil boyfriend dengan pangillan future husband, maka kita mendoakan dan mengaminkannya, amin) okay, lets proceed to next story . hihi

okay, i thinks there must people wondering macam mana kami boleh kekalkan hubungan selama ni kan ? oh yeah, i thinks not to late to wish HAPPY MONTHSARRY 4 YEARS AND 3 MONTHS ! cool kan ? yeah, cant wait for 5 years and futher . iloveyouuuuu <3 

okay, i got some tips that i can share with you all , okay here we go :

ROUTINE AWAL PERCINTAAN : okay, macam kami ni, we knew each others since secondary school so memang almost a whole day we spent time together . yeah, sama pulak class 3 tahun, then 2 tahun lagi kelas sebelah sebelah je . so memang everything we do together . makan, balik, pergi sekolah or mana mana memang berdua and berkepit . kawan kawan and cikgu pun dah tau . hihi so bila dah dapat offered belajar, sorang kat Segamat, sorang kat Batu Caves,  mana tak sedihnya . yelaa, segamat kot, penghujung dunia . konon lah . hihi so at first susah lah nak berdikari especially me sebab he's too nice and manjakan saya sangat . but then, love cakap belajar berdikari and now, i can :)

 NO DATING : statement paling sedih sekali . tsk tsk tsk . takpe takpe, be strong okay. setahun je pun nak study then graduate dah .weee ~ kay. back to topic, like seriously, internet kat sana ya ampun ! teruk bebenor haa ! actually, fot my college, we got wifi but then you have to buy it with RM20 for 1 sem. but not in his college. so waktu tu tak beli lagi broadband and etc, so just tunggu ihsan kawan kawan je lah . hm, so sad . kalau dalam 5 months tu, ada lah dalam 2-3 je skype . waktu tu, rasa macam dunia kita yang punya . macam macam lah nak cerita, nak tunjuk assignment ape semua :')

MAKE YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS YOUR COMMITMENT : okay, simple question ? why you in love ? why you in relationship ? why ? the answer only you know it . so for sure, bercinta then nak sampai ke jinjang pelamin ke ape kan . so do i . hikhik .so please remember my word, which is, commit to your relationship. yeah,walaupun dua dua jauh, ape yang penting is trusty, loyalty and love. that important to build a relationship. jangan sesekali lari or tersimpang ke arah lain, just no ! 

SHARE YOUR HOBBY: okay, one of our activity is tengok movie. so setiap kali my love balik, setiap kali tu lah kami akan tengok movie together . and our favorite is, bangun awal pagi , pergi swimming takpun pergi jogging then breakfast together like a boss. hihi and he'll accompany my lunch hi tea and dinner . lengkap lah sebab yelaa, nak ganti balik semua meal time yang saya makan sorang . hikhik *mengada kan*

DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT : okay, for this, usually me yang buat . ala, biasalah kan kita orang perempuan ni yang rajin buat . huhu . okay, ada satu masa tu, i make a simple diary which is, i bought origami paper, and i wrote something on it, and i do the origami. actually, for this 4 years, i already make 2 boxes og origami for him. satu waktu mula mula bercinta, then yang second one ni, sejak dah masuk college haritu, yelaa, whatever i feel, i wrote it and do the origami . hihi. selain tu, i'll cook his favorite ! yeah, even tak sedap, but he'll eat it and me terharu lah . kihkih . tak pandai masak, tak pandai buat origami, takpe ! another activities is, kita orang suka makan ! selagi semua menu kat kedai makan tu tak rasa lagi, selagi itu we'll come and try over and over again . hihi. yeah, we love food so much ! 

TRUSTY AND LOYALTY : okay, this one. semua tau kan ape tu kepercayaan and kesetiaan kan ? *dah macam ikrar* hihi . okay, whatever it is, this is the keys of success relationship !

full with love,
MNA <3 AJ 

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