Wednesday 1 May 2013


hello, yeah, im just back from my movie and its was Iron Man 3 . phewww ~ first time, seated in front ! haha . so funny right ? yeah, usually i'll get couple seat or the back seat. but, a little bit comfortable because there's no one in front of me. so i take off my shoes and eat pop corn like a boss.

and guess what, what i got today ? hihi . yay, i got my Bold 5 ! thanks to my brother for gave this and actually i dont expecting this because based on out agreement, once i get Dean, i can ask anything that i want. so, in mind is Tab ! not this. haha

okay, what ever it is, im happy and grateful . thanks so much, i really like it even until now idk how to use it . haha *pity me*

okay, sleep tight ! tomorrow have to wake up early for work .

good night and sweet dreams,Tony Stark  :)

Tony Stark, Iron Man 3

this is my Bold 5 but this i got it from Mr Gee . hihi

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