Tuesday 28 May 2013


hello guys and yeah its 12:37 midnight and i still awake and not sleep yet. yeah maybe im too exciting for tmr. haha
oh yeah, in my previously i told you that im gonna update some picture right ? hm so bad actually sebab my dad ter "delete" the picture. hm

okay, back to the topic. yeah, before this,, i bought laptop's skin (mine is notebook) just because to changed it and yeah, here we go :

    • This is simple step that you can follow.

    • first of all, measure you laptop or notebook size, this is for notebook. available for laptop too. 

    • after you measure the size, please do some line then you can cut it slowly.

    • last but not least is, peel off the sticker from the skin and ready to stick on your laptop/notebook.

    • this is sample of mine *ignore kan laptop notebook buruk tu*

    • and this bahagian belakang, so pretty right ? so, what are you waiting for guys ? get your design now.

    Full with love,

    Agneslicioussssssssssssssssss :)

    Thursday 23 May 2013


    okay okay, banyak sangant entry mother day kan ? haha , okay this will be the last one . so the last one, that organize by my sister and her husband. so we're having dinner at here.

    so this is my first time come here and the others banyak kali makan sini . okay, nampak sangat ketinggalan . LOL

    and here the picture :)

    yaya and her atok

    zaf with his daddy 

    our waitress. this one concept dia senang je, 1 table with one waiter/waitress :)

    sissy and brother to busy eat the Mr Crab . LOL

    i force daddy to make Mr Crab's style. LOL

    daddy again . 

    this is S4 ! haha *not mine

    this is hasil makanan of me . haha

    the restaurant very nice. there's have VVIP room also, maybe one day i'll sit there . hihi

    shark fin as appetizers.

    main dishes : ketam masak asin/ telur masin

    mine is full .

    zaf with his atok :)

    okay, that all. so now, nak shopping because on Monday my sister will holiday to Thailand and me back to my hometown . weeeeee ~

    p/s : others picture tak sempat nak upload sekali because that on my daddy's phone. will continue it later :)

    Saturday 18 May 2013


    hoyeahhh ! lamanya kan nak update ? yela, busy dengan kerja . kihkih

    oh yeah, yang ni just three of us, mama daddy and me. so i decided to booked table for 3 at Q Thai Steamboat which is kat Laman Seri Section 13. direction senang je, if you know where the PTPL, then just straight and turn to left and restaurant ni kat belakang.

    tempat memang cantik lah , tak tipu and most important is, you can choose, nak ala carte / steamboat/ steamboat + sizzling . so i decided ambik steamboat + sizzling which is, about RM30/pax. if you choose steamboat only, its only RM27/pax.

    so for this place, i only give 7/10. hm why ? hahahaha . this is because, the services so late ! haha
    and that price (RM30) is not include with the packages. means, kita kena bayar harga lain. so, for first round, we ordered juice, but then dah haus sebab dah makan bakar bakar, we prefer choose plain water. and the water a little bit expensive. coke dorang jual dalam RM3, if i am not mistaken.

    okay, then lets story mory bout the food. overall, for me, D' kayangan & D'Manggis is the best cuma both of this tak ada bakar bakar by our own. kalau kambing bakar ada lah ! haha

    okay,lets see the picture :)

    Mr Crab,
    Agnesssssssssssss :)

    daddy become the chef on the day . haha

    this is their choice

    me and my pretty Mama :)

    hello Mr Crab, Im gonna eat you !

    yeah, berselera gitu :p

    at the end, kenyang gila ! haha

    haa, this is only the half okay 

    haa, cari yang ni okay for try. and here the address :

    SECTION 13
    40100 SHAH ALAM.
    03 5524 4008 / 013 345 9745 (REMY, MANAGER)

    Friday 17 May 2013

    hi saya gemuk :3

    jam dah pukul 12 lebih and mes still tak tidur lagi and yeah because im hungry so much . actually plan nak update bog, i got 3 story tapi nak buat macam mana kan . perut ni dah lapar sangat . haha

    so will pospone  my reviews. kihkih

    good night, from si pelapar . kihkih

    Monday 13 May 2013

    pizza hut's day

    see the title ? and yeah, its about pizza . haha, no no no ! i am not going to treat you that . haha . yeah, today is Monday and that was totally Monday's Blue. why ? because its damn bored ! haha

    actually, im working today but no appointment so just stay at office and unfortunenately, the saddest things is, both of staff take thier EL and im alone ? ah kidding me . and thanks god ada my friend shown up and asked me for lunch date and sure, i say yesss ! haha

    so, we having our lunch at pizza hut sacc mall and yeah, so for lunch and for saving your budget, so i choose Meal 1 which set pizza, air and soup-of-the-day. actually, ada Meal 2 also, beza pizza change to pasta. i choose Meal 1 and my friend choose pasta and and and tipu tak kenyang ! haha . oh yeah, lupa nak cakap, actually, me tambah bread stick which is, just add on RM1.80 kalau tak silap. so lepas makan, mine total up tepat tepat RM20. so, now everyone can having their pizza.

    yang Meal 1 tu boleh share for 2 person actually. sebab ni kira pizza paling kecik dan ada 4 slices. so just add on soup-of-the-day. and tipu lah tak ada gambarkan . kihkih

    met her, Nurul , my class mate since Standard 5 until now :)

    Saturday 11 May 2013

    mother's day part 1

    hello mama, mummy, ummi, mak, ibu dan etc ! today is 11 May so tmr is Mother's Dayyyyy ~ so gonna celebrate it with my family tmr .

    and yeahh, lepas balik kerja tadi, cepat cepat pergi beli barang . habis subang parade dan empire keliling and finally dapat lah satu batwing material chiffon with maroon colors. cantik sangat and that suit with Mama , hopefully :)

    so, here then pictureeee :)

    card from Memory Lane, and the blouse from Sea Ocean , Parkson

    me and Mama at Genting :)

    Thursday 9 May 2013


    12:00  - waiting for result and bukak lah email sebab kat email selalunya awal. waiting and keep waiting

    1:30am  - hm, still no email. decide to sleep then . sebab esok apgi nak kerja

    5:00am  - love called me on the morning and he's said, bukak email sekarang . and me was like,    mengigau ! haha so memang clumsy habis lah . hihi

    5:10am  - bammm ! the result was thereeee ! ah sumpah takut . dalam hati  dah fikir macam macam

    5:15am  - hm, not DL. but im gratefull sebab CLEAN PAPER . haa, ada berani tulis ini macam ? kihkih.

    tapi tipulah kalau saya cakap tak down, seriously sedih sebab tak dapat Dean. rasa bersalah actually. hm, i'll try my best Ma :')

    Mommy's daughter,

    Datinlicioussssss <3

    Tak percaya BEL dapat C+ ! hm, ni maybe sebab Miss tak tambah markah lah ni. this is not the real one, i knew it.

    and yeah, tengok my business math . tak puas hati jugak because i thinks i should get at least A- . hm, this is conspiracy . LOL

    haha kidding meh . most important, gua punya pointer jatuh mehhhhh ~ last sem, senang senang je pegang 3.22, sem ni, haa ambik tengok kat bulatan merah besar tu . LOL

    and tahniah for both my friends, Adib and Faiz sebab finally, they with me ! yeah, lulus Business Math together . phewww ! bukan senang nak sampaikan ilmu kat orang, kena ada pegangan yang kuat and kesabaran yang tinggi . huhu .

    okay, panjang pulak kannnn  . hihi . happy holidayyyy :)

    Saturday 4 May 2013

    Manhanttan Fish Market

    okay, see the title ? yeah, gonna write bout it and hey, you know what, this is my first time having their food. haha , look like that im kidding ? LOL, sure no . hihi . yeah my first time ever !

    okay, this is my first time and i give 10/10 bout the food, the services, the environment and everything was okay. so we having this at Aeon Bukit Tinggi . tak nak drive jauh jauh, jammmm ~ ahaks !

    so, we ordered

    okay, the taste lovely. i like everything and mostly, i ate all of that . ahaks ! *gemuk*

    Wednesday 1 May 2013


    hello, yeah, im just back from my movie and its was Iron Man 3 . phewww ~ first time, seated in front ! haha . so funny right ? yeah, usually i'll get couple seat or the back seat. but, a little bit comfortable because there's no one in front of me. so i take off my shoes and eat pop corn like a boss.

    and guess what, what i got today ? hihi . yay, i got my Bold 5 ! thanks to my brother for gave this and actually i dont expecting this because based on out agreement, once i get Dean, i can ask anything that i want. so, in mind is Tab ! not this. haha

    okay, what ever it is, im happy and grateful . thanks so much, i really like it even until now idk how to use it . haha *pity me*

    okay, sleep tight ! tomorrow have to wake up early for work .

    good night and sweet dreams,Tony Stark  :)

    Tony Stark, Iron Man 3

    this is my Bold 5 but this i got it from Mr Gee . hihi