Thursday 23 May 2013


okay okay, banyak sangant entry mother day kan ? haha , okay this will be the last one . so the last one, that organize by my sister and her husband. so we're having dinner at here.

so this is my first time come here and the others banyak kali makan sini . okay, nampak sangat ketinggalan . LOL

and here the picture :)

yaya and her atok

zaf with his daddy 

our waitress. this one concept dia senang je, 1 table with one waiter/waitress :)

sissy and brother to busy eat the Mr Crab . LOL

i force daddy to make Mr Crab's style. LOL

daddy again . 

this is S4 ! haha *not mine

this is hasil makanan of me . haha

the restaurant very nice. there's have VVIP room also, maybe one day i'll sit there . hihi

shark fin as appetizers.

main dishes : ketam masak asin/ telur masin

mine is full .

zaf with his atok :)

okay, that all. so now, nak shopping because on Monday my sister will holiday to Thailand and me back to my hometown . weeeeee ~

p/s : others picture tak sempat nak upload sekali because that on my daddy's phone. will continue it later :)

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