Monday 13 May 2013

pizza hut's day

see the title ? and yeah, its about pizza . haha, no no no ! i am not going to treat you that . haha . yeah, today is Monday and that was totally Monday's Blue. why ? because its damn bored ! haha

actually, im working today but no appointment so just stay at office and unfortunenately, the saddest things is, both of staff take thier EL and im alone ? ah kidding me . and thanks god ada my friend shown up and asked me for lunch date and sure, i say yesss ! haha

so, we having our lunch at pizza hut sacc mall and yeah, so for lunch and for saving your budget, so i choose Meal 1 which set pizza, air and soup-of-the-day. actually, ada Meal 2 also, beza pizza change to pasta. i choose Meal 1 and my friend choose pasta and and and tipu tak kenyang ! haha . oh yeah, lupa nak cakap, actually, me tambah bread stick which is, just add on RM1.80 kalau tak silap. so lepas makan, mine total up tepat tepat RM20. so, now everyone can having their pizza.

yang Meal 1 tu boleh share for 2 person actually. sebab ni kira pizza paling kecik dan ada 4 slices. so just add on soup-of-the-day. and tipu lah tak ada gambarkan . kihkih

met her, Nurul , my class mate since Standard 5 until now :)

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